Join The SCEA Today! You belong in The SCEA!
Our members create meaningful change for educators, students, and communities
The SCEA makes sure the voices of educators are actually heard. Together, we have successfully raised educator wages, improved working conditions, and supported student loan forgiveness. We can have an even stronger voice when you join us today.
Making a difference
Becoming a member of The South Carolina Education Association connects you with a movement of school staff supporting each other. Our union advocates for the funding and resources that you, your schools, and your students deserve. This includes:
We Stand Together
Now is the time to band together and be heard anywhere decisions about education are made, Now is the time to join our Union.
We are united in providing a high-quality education so that every student can attain their dreams. We all have a part to play in the movement. There is a place for you here whether you’ve worked in education for one day or forty years. We represent everyone in every role on the frontlines of public schools all across the state, from Chesterfield to Charleston, Oconee to Horry. The result? A union as strong and diverse as its communities.

Aspiring Educators

Active Professionals

Retired Professionals